Ein Kunstprojekt zur Vermenschlichung der digitalen Welt

Here is the Wall for Peace-Messages: Art-Objects tweeting for a peaceful world, by using Internet of Thing Technology.

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Every Thing has a right to live

is the guiding principle for the project XIII. Things become life and communicate their Emotions: „Peace” Until this project, artists have their emotions represented in an object or image. With this project, the emotions are tweeting every day in our world In this global “IoE Peace Art Bridge ” project, Artworks take a daily reminder of a desirable world peace. Artists develop objects that are free from war – thoughts, artists have a peace-making Gen.

How it Works:

Artists have a peace-making Gen. We install in Art-Objects IoE technology. To spread the “Peace” message, the object of art is reminded daily. The Peace beacon sends continuously. An app on your Smartphone receives the beacon. A prepared Twitter message is tweeted after release of Smartphone owner. Seconds later, the “Peace” message is displayed on the Web Twitter walls and by followers. A major objective of this project is: highly visible Twitter walls in art capitals of the world to install. All (Art for Peace) A4P Twitter-Messages get extraordinary attention. We create a worldwide (Art for Peace) A4P Twitter Broadcasting Network .

iBeacon A4P Project-Phase:

In the first phase of this projects we want to equip Artworks with ” beacon ” technologies such as RFID or iBeacon . By using a Smartphone or tablet iBeacon signals are interpreted. A specially for this project programmed App send in the Basic Version a Twitter Broadcasting Message: „from XYZ Terum Ger Art tweet for Peace #A4P“, in the world. In the Advanced Version Smartphone App informs about art object and artist, Twitter Message #A4P are postet.

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